Sweetwater Union High School District offers climate, culture training to address student needs

The Sweetwater Union High School District celebrates diversity and ensures all students have an equal opportunity to achieve their academic goals by providing educators with climate and culture training that addresses the needs of distinct demographics.

Located in southern San Diego County, the Sweetwater District is the largest secondary school district in California, with more than 42,000 enrolled students and 32,000 adult learners in the diverse communities of Imperial Beach, National City, Chula Vista, and San Ysidro.

The purpose of climate and culture training is to promote educational equity within each campus, which would ensure that historically underserved or underrepresented populations meet the same rigorous standards for academic performance expected of all children, regardless of their background.

Over the past year, the District has provided staff with statistical data on each school and student demographics, which was collected through surveys, interviews and observations. The studies revealed details about student support/resources, academic relationships, mental and physical health, educational environment, safety/security, and defining characteristics of each school’s population.

To eliminate educational disparities and achieve systemic equity, the Equity, Culture and Support Services Office has led school staff through data analysis sessions that take a closer look at the structural/institutional biases that impact student outcomes and learning opportunities. During these training sessions, staff gains the knowledge and skills necessary to create a more equitable school climate that positively responds to a wide range of cultural norms, values and learning styles.

To show educational equity, each school must exhibit inclusion, fairness, equal access and positive outcomes: There must be caring relationships between peers and adults, a healthy learning environment that promotes physical/emotional wellbeing, and students must feel supported as they reach higher levels of learning and achievement.

About the Sweetwater Union High School District

The Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) is the largest secondary school district in California, with more than 42,000 enrolled students and 32,000 adult learners. The district is headquartered in Chula Vista and operates a total of 29 schools: 14 high schools, 11 middle schools, and 4 adult schools. Located in southern San Diego County, near the Mexican border, the district serves the diverse communities of Imperial Beach, National City, Chula Vista, and San Ysidro. Since 1920, the district has won numerous awards for its innovative programs and commitment to student success.